The three pillars that our fair play culture is based upon are diversity, respect and teamwork. We aim to integrate them into our organizational culture. These values play a fundamental role in all of our activities and projects. From them, we have deduced six fair play rules.
We have adopted the pedagogical approach, where the focus lies in holistic learning and that education should develop the powers of ‘Head’, ‘Heart’ and ‘Hands’. Spirit of Football’s work focuses on the mind (symbolized by the head), and the body (the hand), as well as emotions (symbolized by the heart).
While conducting projects, these three elements occur in different levels of intensity based on the type of activity we are undertaking.
The head stands for the transfer of knowledge. Through knowledge, the target group gets encouraged to reflect on the new information that Spirit presents. For example, we impart knowledge on the topic of sustainability in a project and at the same time we want to reflect our own behavior in this regard.
The hand is symbolic for the improvement of one’s own skill set. It refers to fine and gross motor skills. For example, our method fair play football improves gross motor skills.
The heart stands for the impact of our values and the competence to evaluate these values. The heart stands also for the importance of emotions. For example, all of our projects are based on a positive appreciation for others and the idea that we learn more when we have fun.
The “head, hand, heart” approach, our fair play culture and the 6 fair play rules are the foundation of our work. The aim is for the target group to connect the Spirit of Football learning experience with their own daily lives. This approach is repeated in the implementation of our methods, overtime a change in thought and action of the participants follows.
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About Us
Spirit of Football e.V. is committed to openness and against exclusion of any kind. The core values of our non-formal educational work are based on the trips by “The Ball” to the FIFA World Cup. Since 2002, The Ball has reached over 40,000 people through the universal language of football and its intercultural power. These experiences inform the school curriculums and extracurricular educational offers that we have been implementing since 2010.
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