The main focus of our work takes place at school. We are active in schools from 4th grade up to vocational school. At this moment we run various school projects, which include the following.
Project: “One Ball, One World”
In this project, sportive and creative methods are based on our 6 FairPlay rules. We use sport, theater and art methods combined with subjects such as geography, topics like intercultural and global learning as well as team building. In a fun and interactive way we encourage children and young adults to understand the above-mentioned themes highlighted by stories from The Ball’s global journeys. Our goal is to illustrate this via our three pillars: diversity, respect and teamwork.
We work with project partners in Thuringia and in all over Germany as well as in foreign countries.
Project: “Fair Play?! And what does that have to do with me?!”
In collaboration with “Topf & Söhne” (the architects of the “final solution” and now a place of remembrance in Erfurt), we have developed a project that deals with the Holocaust and combines it with the topic of integration. Together we want to promote an understanding for the importance of democracy and human rights in our society and how they contribute to integration. The goal of the project is to create a dialogue at eye level between persons with and without a migration background in order for them to understand each other as well as the dark history of National Socialism and the meaning it has in our society today. This understanding should ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated in these current trying times.
We say thank you to our project partner for their continued support.
Project: “Fair Play Future” (previously 5B5B)
This project was Spirit of Football’s step into the topic of sustainability and started with the pilot project “5B5B” in the second half of 2019. It aims to bring children and young adults into contact with the often misunderstood topic of sustainability. It combines global learning, fair play (football and theater) and peace building. We connect our fair play methods with the UN’s 17 SDGs of Agenda 2030. The aim of the project is to encourage (young) people to be aware of the urgent situation our planet is facing and become change-makers themselves – actively finding sustainable local and global solutions.
We say thank you to our project partner for their support.
Project: “KOWO –Spirit of Housing Estate”
The KOWO (Municipal Housing Association in Erfurt) project is a recreational activity that takes place directly in front of residential housing estates in different parts of the city of Erfurt. The goal is to turn a housing estate into a place for informal sport and recreation for its residents. Our activities are based on our fair play methods and rules.
We say thank you to our project partner for their support.
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About Us
Spirit of Football e.V. is committed to openness and against exclusion of any kind. The core values of our non-formal educational work are based on the trips by “The Ball” to the FIFA World Cup. Since 2002, The Ball has reached over 40,000 people through the universal language of football and its intercultural power. These experiences inform the school curriculums and extracurricular educational offers that we have been implementing since 2010.
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