
Konferenz Transformation and Development through Sport in Pretoria


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Andrew von SoF e.V. leitete die Eröffnungsveranstaltung „Fair-Play Football Turnier“ während der Konferenz Transformation and Development through Sport (TADS) in Pretoria.

Zusammenfassung (in Englisch):

  • Meeting 25 leading movers & shakers in the Sport for Development area from Germany and Africa
  • Funded by BMZ. Organised by GIZ & SSCN (Sport for Social Change Network) Africa
  • Fair-Play Tournament:
    • Goal: to enable the participants to meet each other through sport
    • Team formation (mixed German & African, men and women) / Special Team names / developing Team „peace calls“
    • Between matches teams were divided into small groups of 3 or 4 and
      given topics to talk about: Tell the others about your favorite
      „sport moment“
    • Each game the team played against another team and came into contact with different people. Every match ended with a group photo
    • The Balls of the tournament has the SoF logo and were
      donated by Alive&Kicking Ghana
  • Bottom line: We ate together, we talked together, we debated together. Everyone had
    the spirit of cooperation and were motivated by what they were doing.
    There was an incredible energy there. Just amazing!

Fotos auf Facebook.

Bericht des DOSB.

Source: https://spirit-of-football.de/events/event/konferenz-transformation-and-development-through-sport-in-pretoria/